I have a rather nice rest of the week ahead of me which is making me quite nervous. My aunty and uncle are visiting tomorrow, on Saturday night I’m going out with a friend, and I’m going to make time during the weekend to be super productive with Peeking Cat Poetry Magazine and my PhD application and maybe some other writing, I hope. Everything seems… okay. Good, even. And that is bad. Well, it’s good but it makes me wonder what’s going to come along and fuck everything up. I can’t possibly be left alone by the medical world for any great length of time, surely?
Well no, I can’t, because in May and June I have one doctor’s appointment every two weeks. Things are about to get anxiety-inducing. But they are not close enough for me to get freaked out about them just yet.
Anyway it’s not all sunflowers and moonshine. I almost cried today when I logged into BBC iPlayer and it asked me if I wanted to set up parental lock on my account. Didn’t though. Cry, that is – just a tiny blip.
I made a Facebook page for myself today so that I can share my blog posts there, and when my PhD starts (if I am accepted, obvs) I will share things I read about, and maybe try to establish myself as a Real Person. I’d like to say I advocate for mental health support for cancer survivors. Maybe that is some kind of goal. Anyway, if you are of the Facebook persuasion and want to read my ramblings and poetry and stuff like that, it’s here: https://www.facebook.com/writersamr/
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