Writer, researcher, music lover, cancer survivor with CMMRD ("double" Lynch syndrome)

Category: Cancer Surgery

Pre-order My Memoir On Kindle!

My Lynch syndrome memoir Gut Feelings is now available to pre-order on Kindle!

Gut Feelings Lynch Syndrome Memoir Sam Rose

If you like your books in electronic flavour, pre-order now and my guts will be spilled onto your device on the official release date of 7th February 2020!

Here’s the blurb:

“Lynch syndrome is a genetic condition that makes it more likely for a person to get cancer. In other words, it’s the world’s worst loyalty programme.”

Colon cancer, uterine cancer, duodenal cancer. Colostomy bags, infertility, genetic testing. But also, joy. Also adventure. Also grit.

GUT FEELINGS spans ten years from the author’s first diagnosis to the life-changing surgeries for her second and third. Racking up a collection of medical experiences – and losing countless organs along the way – Sam Rose has stories for anyone facing the uncertainty of cancer or Lynch syndrome, to help patients and survivors feel less alone.

Pre-order your copy of Gut Feelings on Kindle now!

Update: 28th December

Hello! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I thought an update was in order as I’ve been off the grid for a bit, so here we go.

I had my Whipple surgery on 7th November. It was eight hours long. It would have been six hours but they had to spend the first two just dealing with adhesions from previous surgery. Then I was in the HDU (high-dependency unit, a bit like ICU) for three days – I don’t remember much about that time. And then I was on a regular ward for eight more days.

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Update: Op #2 Incoming

Have another life update blog post, because that seems to be all I’m good for at the moment. Having said that, I have written one or two poems, but while I previously posted a lot of them on my blog and didn’t leave many for submitting, I now seem to be swinging completely the other way. I promise I will post some new poetry on here soon.

Anyway, I’m updating today because I had an appointment with the surgeon who will be doing my whipple procedure. I’m one month post-hysterectomy, and I’ve been passed over from gynae, who have said no further action is required from their side of things. My stomach is still a bit sore especially if I’ve been particularly active, but I’m going to try driving tomorrow, and I’ve come a long way.

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Update: 23rd Sept 2018

Hello world! (because apparently all my tweets and posts now have to sound like the start of a Visual Basic programming lesson.) I had my hysterectomy on Wednesday 12th September and came home on the Saturday, so I’ve been back for just over a week. I’m feeling really good today. The beginning of this week, the first few days of being at home, were horrendous. It hasn’t even been pain related to the wound, but sickness, wind and lack of appetite due to all the moving around of the bowel (or pouch, in my case) that they have to do. So the first few days were really hard and dark, and it felt to me like I wasn’t going to get better and everything was horrible. But things improve quicker than you realise they are, and last night I slept through the night in my bed without getting up to go to the toilet just to relieve myself of horrible wind pain. My appetite is coming back, I’m eating more, and here I am sat in my usual chair tapping away on my laptop.

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Update – 31st August 2018

Throwing on Disenchanted by My Chemical Romance and getting all these words out here super quick just for the sake of keeping this thing and you people, whoever and however many you may be, updated.

I’m having a hysterectomy (and ovaries removed) on 12th September. We can’t collect and freeze eggs first because that process might cause the lining of the womb to grow. So I won’t be having any biological children. I’m sure I’ll deal with that later.

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Tests, tests, and more tests

Hello! This is a quick update on my health situation. (I realise I always say “quick update” and it ends up being several paragraphs long.)

Since my last update three weeks ago I have had:

– Capsule endoscopy
– Hysteroscopy under general anaesthetic
– MRI scan (today)
– CT scan (today)

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