Is it weird that I’m kind of excited about having my breast lumpectomy? My surgery (wide local excision / lumpectomy) is set for early March and I am glad to have the beginnings of a plan. We still don’t know if I will need further surgery. Radiotherapy seems to be a given, and possibly chemo, but for now it’s good enough to know that we’re getting rid of Bumpy (I named the lump because I don’t like calling it a lump) hopefully with nice clear margins. They’ll take lymph nodes as well to make sure there’s nothing there too. The surgery is a day case hopefully, but I’m prepared in case they say I need to stay overnight. Then I’ll have a couple of weeks off work and my PhD to recover. Then I guess I’ll have an appointment to discuss how it all went and next steps, and by that time hopefully the genetic test results to check for BRCA will be back too.
I’m feeling very positive and proactive and ready. I don’t know if it’s because this surgery is small compared to the ones I’ve had before. I’ve been given all my leaflets and paperwork so I spent some time yesterday looking through it all. There is a leaflet on arm stretches for after surgery but it suggests actually starting the stretches before surgery, so I’m trying to remember to do them every day, and actually felt quite good after doing a little stretch this morning.
I’ve joined a local support group on Facebook and signed up to their email newsletter to hear about what they have going on. This time, I’m planning to take advantage of any support I can. They do a run around the local park, pilates, reiki, support group meetups… it sounds really good. I’m restricted by where I’m prepared to drive to (hello autism) so realistically I won’t be going to everything, but it’s good to know there are options.
And of course I’ll keep trying to write about what’s going on here. I’m doing PhD work when I can. Some days it just doesn’t happen because I have to go to appointments or call hospitals and my head just isn’t in it – I’ve been doing plenty of admin trying to make sure everyone involved in my care knows what’s going on. Plus I had to cancel a full body MRI appointment, which is part of my regular surveillance, because it’s two days after my surgery so it needs to be rescheduled.
Anyway, I’m trying not to think about too much at once at the moment – one thing at a time. But yes, number one priority is getting ready for surgery and getting this all sorted. My body and wellbeing is the main project and other stuff is secondary.