It’s Friday night and I’m at home drinking whisky and watching my favourite TV show, The Last Leg. And I’m thinking about why I love it so much.
Last week I was lucky enough to have tickets to go and see the show being filmed live. My partner and I went along, and we had so much fun. I can’t wait until the next season opens up for applications so I can request tickets again – it’s the best thing I’ve done all summer, and considering I visited Sweden, the Canaries, and went on a hot air balloon ride, that makes The Last Leg pretty awesome.
Adam Hills is my new favourite comedian and I spent most of last weekend watching his stand up stuff on YouTube. I love the other guys too, but it’s struck me that it’s not just that I love how funny it is and how passionate the guys are about standing up for what’s right and talking about everything that’s wrong with the world. It’s that it’s presented by two guys who are so comfortable with their bodies, despite them being different to what may be classed as “normal”.
I don’t have a disability. (I use the term “disability” kind of loosely because I don’t consider Adam or Alex to be particularly disadvantaged in terms of what they can do – of course all I have to go on is what I see on TV, and I know that’s not necessarily the full picture.) But since my operation, I definitely feel like my body is different to most other people’s and I’ve had some challenges, and I am positive there will be more to come in the future. So for me, the fact that these guys can joke about each others’ bodies and their differences is pretty inspiring. It makes me feel like maybe I can be more open and joke around with more people about my body (if you read my blog you’ll know I’m referring to my lack of a large intestine due to bowel cancer, and then whatever the future will bring thanks to my Lynch syndrome).
I feel sort of empowered because of these guys, like it’s okay to be a bit different, and that I should have a voice when it comes to talking about how I feel about my body (or just having a laugh about it). I know having an operation isn’t the same as being born without limbs, but the point is the guys on The Last Leg they make me feel like I can be comfortable with myself the way I am. I have bits missing and that’s okay! So thank you Adam HIlls, Alex Brooker and Josh Widdecombe. Thank you so much!
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