I found someone who could probably empathise with the loss of my brother, who would know what it’s like to not remember a family member and not be able to grieve… and they are a fictional character! It’s Rodney from Only Fools and Horses, which my partner has been watching recently. I can definitely relate to this conversation, from S2E5: The Yellow Peril. Rodney and Del are sat by their mother’s grave. I bolded the important bit. If anyone else can relate, let me know. That would be sort of nice.
It’s looking a bit tatty nowadays.
I don’t know, it’s not too bad. It’s bound to be a bit innit, after 17 years? I mean, so would you after standing there for 17 years pigeons and diesel fumes and other mourners stubbing their cigarette ends out on you. I dunno, maybe you could be right. It could do with brightening up a bit. If I added some fiberglass models, of say, an apostle and four cherubims with trumpets, do you think it would alter the effect?
If you added fiberglass models of Snow White and the seven dwarfs you couldn’t alter the effect of that!
Oi, oi, oi, don’t start getting sacrificial! I don’t know what’s the matter with you Rodney, really I don’t. You seem to have no sense of occasion. You’ve no…tres bien ensembles, as the French say. I mean look at you now, loafing about round your mother’s graveside. Don’t you feel any emotion?
Now look Del, I didn’t know Mum that well, did I? When she died I was just a little nipperoni, all odd socks and eczema! Now you feel a sense of personal loss – me, I just feel cheated.
I’m sorry Rodney. I should have realized.
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