Hello friends! If you don’t have a J pouch/internal pouch and you’re of a sensitive disposition, you might not be so into this one. This is a no holds barred, frank post about toilets, farts, and poop. If you have a pouch, some of these might sound familiar, and if you don’t, well, you’re about to get some insight into what it’s like. Yay! And if you don’t know where you are or how you got here, an internal pouch is what you get if you have your colon removed, then have a bit of your small intestine turned into a makeshift large intestine so you don’t have to have a colostomy bag. Okay? Cool!
Category: Internal Pouch

Hello! This blog post is all about how to give yourself an enema in preparation for having an endoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, etc. Just like my
last blog post, the stuff I talk about here is true for my local hospital here in England and might not be exactly the same for you.
Thought I’d write a quick post explaining the last poem I put up. I tweeted a couple of things but it turns out 140 characters isn’t quite long enough for what I wanted to say.