I have two poems in the new issue of The BItchin’ Kitsch – “Gaps” and “Therapy Trees”. Check them out here!
Tag: published
My poem “First, Decide” has been published in Visual Verse! This online magazine provides a piece of artwork every month and invites writers to send in work based on that art. It’s a cool way to see how differently people interpret something and get creative with it. You can see my poem here: https://visualverse.org/submissions/first-decide/
I’m very pleased to have my new poem “Forearm” in Neologism Poetry Journal, and it’s this month’s featured work! You can read it here:
I have two poems out at Cabildo Quarterly today! “can you come to bed?” about not wanting to be alone while going through a difficult time, and “The Difficulties of Existing Gracefully”, which is the result of a little doodle and a free write I did.
I have two poems published in Terror House Magazine this month: “Twelve Months”, “Control” and “Exchange”. Read them here!
I’m excited to have three poems accepted for online zine In Between Hangovers. One is already up on the website, and two others are forthcoming! This poem, “Superheroes”, is one I wrote for another publication but it got rejected. I was going to put it on my website but decided that I really liked it and maybe someone else would like it enough to publish it, too. I’m glad I put it back out into the wild! Here it is – Superheroes at In Between Hangovers.
I have three poems in Bindweed Magazine! The poems are on the website right now and they will be in the print version of the magazine in October. You can read them here!
Two of these poems are about my brother and the middle one is about me and my parents trying to distract ourselves from my illness back in the day. So they are really important to me and I’m quite proud of them, so I’m very happy to have them published!
A bit of time travelling this morning – this is the first poem I had published in a literary magazine. It was published in Obsessed With Pipework, a Flarestack publication, in 2006 when I was 18. Before that, I also had poems published in two anthologies (in 2004 and 2005, so at the age of 16 and 17), but this was my first magazine publication. I actually submitted a longer version of this poem, but the editor decided he liked the firs three lines and asked if he could just publish those. I still remember the full poem off by heart:
I had a short story published in Scarlet Leaf Review today! It’s called Mirrors and I’m really pleased because it’s the first short story I’ve ever had published, as opposed to poetry and memoirs. Here it is, if you’re looking for a quick read – hope you enjoy!