I’ve had a poem published in Amaryllis Poetry today! It’s called Seventy-nine and you can read it here.
Category: Publication Notices (Page 2 of 4)
I have two poems in the new issue of The BItchin’ Kitsch – “Gaps” and “Therapy Trees”. Check them out here!
My poem “First, Decide” has been published in Visual Verse! This online magazine provides a piece of artwork every month and invites writers to send in work based on that art. It’s a cool way to see how differently people interpret something and get creative with it. You can see my poem here: https://visualverse.org/submissions/first-decide/
Two of my poems found new homes today!
Read “Dew” at Vita Brevis: https://vitabrevisliterature.com/2018/10/15/dew-a-poem-by-sam-rose/
And “The Merging” at IO Literary Journal: https://www.ioliteraryjournal.com/refraction_sam_rose.html
You may have seen “Dew” before on my blog, but “The Merging is new and shiny. Both of them are a departure from my usual style – “Dew” because of the tone, while I had a lot of fun playing with space and formatting with “The Merging”. Enjoy!
I’m very pleased to have my new poem “Forearm” in Neologism Poetry Journal, and it’s this month’s featured work! You can read it here:
I have two poems out at Cabildo Quarterly today! “can you come to bed?” about not wanting to be alone while going through a difficult time, and “The Difficulties of Existing Gracefully”, which is the result of a little doodle and a free write I did.
I have three poems in Soft Cartel today – “hurricane”, “Edges”, and “The Boy in the Window”! You can read them here: https://softcartel.com/2018/08/03/three-poems-by-sam-rose/
My poem “I am recounting” has been published in Little Rose Magazine today! Read it at the link below, and to give you a feel for it, I did a quick sketch of what was in my head when I wrote it:
My second poem over at Amethyst Magazine is out now. What a busy month! Read it here:
I also did a little drawing to go with this one, after not drawing anything for a very long time:
I have two poems published in Terror House Magazine this month: “Twelve Months”, “Control” and “Exchange”. Read them here!